Monday, February 28, 2011

A polemica de John Galliano

Por todo canto, só se fala em John Galliano, o estilista da Dior. Entenda melhor essa polemica.

24/02 - Tudo começou na noite de quinta feira, John Galliano estava em um café parisiense quando aparece um casal, uma judia e um oriental, segundo testemunhas, John estava bebado e disse a eles em ingles: "sua judia suja, você deveria estar morta" e "maldito asiático, vou te matar". Os dois saíram de la direto pra delegacia registrar queixa. 

25/02 - No dia seguinte, o estilista foi suspenso de seu cargo na Dior, "Reafirmamos com a máxima convivcção nossa política de tolerância zero a palavras e comportamentos racistas e antissemitas", disse o diretor executivo da marca, Sidney Toledano, em comunicado divulgado na manhã de sexta-feira.

Tentando se defender das acusações, ele tambem registrou queixa de difamação e injúria por parte do casal, em depoimento a policia disse nunca ter feito comentarios antissemitas. O advogado de John disse tambem "Ele não é culpado, nem está envolvido em um caso de júri",  "Ele considera a decisão um exagero, feita com fatos não provados e baseada em apenas um lado da história."

28/02 - Galliano depõe sobre o caso, com o casal que se diz 'moralmente ofendido', em uma delegacia de Paris. Por enquanto não foi divulgado o depoimento dele (irei atualizar essa postagem quando chegarem mais noticias), só se sabe que ele continua negando as acusações.

Galliano chegando a delegacia

28/02 - Foi divulgado um video em que o estilista faz comentarios racistas e diz amar Hitler. O video foi gravado no café La Perle, mesmo lugar onde começou essa historia toda, em outra ocasião. Segue o link do video em ingles, no site do jornal The Sun, (está em ingles, se tiver o link com legenda me manda, por favor). Video.
Junto do video apareceram queixas de outra vitima, tambem por comentarios anti semitas, em um caso de outubro de 2010.


Red Carpet: Oscar

Como todo mundo só fala em Oscar, meus comentarios vão só para os looks que mais chamaram minha atenção:

Amy Adams veste L'wren Scott
 Amy Adams escolheu bem o vestido com brilho nada extravagante, as jóias são uma beleza a parte, magnificas!

Hailee Steinfeld fofissima com vestido Marchesa.

Halle Berry tambem escolheu um vestido Marchesa, lindo! Poderosa!

Hilary Swank veste Gucci
Jennifer Hudson de Versace vermelho
Mallika Sherawat foi de vestido com brilhos e uma fenda poderosa

 Michelle Willians de Chanel alta costura

Mila Kunis de Elie Saab. Linda, alguns pontos com tranparencia, tecido amassadinho, nota 10!

Scarlett Johansson de Dolce & Gabanna de renda, roxo

Reese Witherspoon veste Giorgio Armani
Sandra Bullock de Vera Wang vermelho, tomara que caia com laço.

 Um dos 8 looks que a apresentadora do Oscar, Anne Hathaway, usou durante a cerimonia. O vestido é um vermelho Valentino. Anne desfilou pelo Red Carpet acompanhada do próprio, Valentino Garavani.

Annette Bening, Cate Blanchett, Gwyneth Paltrow, Helena Bonham Carter, Melissa Leo e Nicole Kidman. Os piores looks da noite!

Como ja havia dito, só postei os melhores e piores do Oscar, sem meio termo.

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan hot

Aishwarya Rai-Bachchan, who stars alongside Steve Martin in the upcoming Sony Pictures film The Pink Panther 2 has been awarded the prestigious Padma Shri Award by the government of India. Padma Awards, namely, Padma Vibhushan, Padma Bhushan and Padma Shri are given for exceptional and distinguished service in any field including service rendered by Government servants. Padma Awards are announced on the eve of the Republic Day. Aishwarya is the youngest person to ever achieve this honor from the film fraternity.

Aishwarya Rai-Bachchan is one of India’s most popular showbiz exports. Before starting her acting career, she worked as a model and gained fame after winning the Miss World contest in 1994. She made her movie debut in Mani Ratnam's Tamil film Iruvar (1997) and came to the attention of Bollywood in the Hindi movie Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam (1999), directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali. She has acted in over forty movies in Hindi, Tamil, Bengali, and English, including the international productions Bride & Prejudice (2003), Mistress of Spices (2005), and The Last Legion (2007).

The Pink Panther 2, the sequel to the 2006 worldwide hit, stars Steve Martin as he reprises the role of intrepid-if-bumbling French police detective, Inspector Jacques Clouseau. When legendary treasures from around the world are stolen, including the priceless Pink Panther Diamond, Chief Inspector Dreyfus (John Cleese) is forced to assign Clouseau to a team of international detectives and experts charged with catching the thief and retrieving the stolen artifacts. Martin is joined by original co-stars Jean Reno (as Ponton, his partner) and Emily Mortimer (as Nicole, the object of his awkward affections). The investigative dream team is played by Andy Garcia, Alfred Molina, Yuki Matsuzaki (Letters from Iwo Jima) and Aishwarya Rai-Bachchan. The story is set in Paris and Rome. The film opens in UK cinemas 13th February 2009.

aishwarya wall papers

The title if misread will definitely give you goosebumps. No the couple ain’t splitting in real life but yes in the reel life. Bollywood’s most beautiful couple, Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan, will have to watch each other play the role of spouse to another in the upcoming film “Sarkar Raj.”

Aishwarya Rai, the 1994 Miss World, and Abhishek Bachchan, son to legendary Bollywood actors Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya Bachchan were married in April of this year but when they share the screen in “Sarkar Raj” they will be anything but friendly.

Aishwarya will play the role of an independent woman caught up in the corporate world and power games. According to director Ram Gopal Varma, “We’ve worked hard on the look. The glamour of Aishwarya in ‘Sarkar Raj’ will be that she won’t be glamorous. She’s so intrinsically beautiful it will be a challenge to make her look simple. But I want her to look like nothing she has done so far.”

In many ways the film, a sequel to “Sarkar,” is similar to “The Godfather” with the political maneuverings inside an underworld family.

aishwarya hot
aishwarya image
aishwarya wall papers
aishwarya pic
aishwarya bridal
aishwarya smile

aishwarya eyes



Name : Julia Stegner
Born : November 2, 1984
Country : born in Munich, Germany
Lives : Germany

Julia Stegner is one of the new Fashion models, who are becoming more and more popular recently. Stegner is a famous German model and was born on November 2, 1984, in Munich, Germany. Julia has got a sister.

The start or the fashion model is considered to be already in her childhood, when Julia became the kid model for different commercials and children's catalogs. She was discovered during her high school times in the world famous Oktoberfest, when she was just 15 years old.

After graduating high school Julia Stegner started a serious modeling career in Paris in the year 2002 and started appearing on many fashion magazine covers (Elle, Vogue, Madame) and in fashion shows, such as Dolce & Gabbana, Yves Saint Laurent, Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, Oscar de la Renta, Versace. A very successful project for Julia is said to be the shoots for the famous Pirelli calendar in 2005.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Look for Sunday: Camisa xadrez

O look for sunday desse domingo é com aquela camisa xadrez, que voce acha que só pode usar na festa junina do seu bairro! Um look fresquinho pra usar no dia a dia.

Use a camisa com shorts e blusinha brancos, rasteirinha simples e poucos acessorios, o cinto vai acinturar o look. A camisa vai ser o unico ponto chamativo.

Vocês tem alguma sugestão de peça pra fazer o look da semana que vem? pode mandar que eu atendo seus pedidos :D

Amanha tem unha da semana e alguns comentarios do Oscar! Não esqueçam

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Belas por natureza - literalmente

Em junho do ano passado, a marca de jeans Cheap Monday espalhou 30 calças por três lugares da Suiça, na sujeira da costa oeste, telhado de seu escritório e na floresta perto de Estocolmo. Elas ficaram amarradas sofrendo as mudanças da natureza como neve, sol, chuvas, etc. Assim, cada jeans ficou unico, com sua marca própria.
Agora a marca vai fazer uma exposição pelo mundo levando as calças junto dela, é a Customized Tour. Ainda não se sabe se a exposição passa pelo Brasil, mas nós ficamos na esperança!

Friday, February 25, 2011



Andrei Claude, born in 1979, on an island which is just off the coast of Italy in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, is an Italian model and actor who began modeling professionally in 2001 and was primarily based in California.
In 2005, Claude's manager introduced him to the fascinating world of romance novels and in his first attempt was crowned "Mr. Romance" that same year. He was the youngest and only European to ever take the title.

Claude's versatility while shooting book covers was brought to the attention of film makers and within less than a year in the industry Andrei was already being cast in various independent films and shorts, mostly centered in New York.