Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Isabeli Fontana

Name : Isabeli Fontana
Born : July 4, 1983
Country : born in Curitiba, Brazil
Lives : New York City, USA
Isabeli Fontana is one of the newest stars in the world of fashion. She is a Brazilian supermodel, who was born in Curitiba, in the Paraná region of Brazil, on July 4, 1983 as Isabeli Bergossi Fontana. Isabeli has got two brothers: Heric and Harrison.
As a child Isabeli Fontana wanted to be a model and her career as a model began in the year 1996, when she at a age of 13 participated in the Elite Model Look Contest in São Paulo where she was a finalist. A year later Isabeli moved to Milan, Italy and started developing her modeling career and gaining plenty of model experience.
Isabeli Fontana has achieved much success and recognition as a supermodel and her talent in modeling was seen immediately, as she is the youngest model ever to be in the Victoria's Secret lingerie catalogue. She was just 16 years old, even though Victoria's Secret does not usually hire models younger than 21. Isabeli Fontana was also modeling for world famous fashion designers, such as Versace, Chanel, Ralph Lauren, Valentino, D&G and had photo shoots with the biggest fashion magazines worldwide, including Vogue, Elle, Cosmopolitan, and Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue in years 2002 and 2003.
Isabeli Fontana also has an interest in pursuing a career as an actress.
Fontana is in a relationship with the male model Alvaro Jacomossi and the couple have a baby called Zion.
Isabeli Fontana height: 175 cm
Isabeli Fontana breasts: 86 cm
Isabeli Fontana waist size: 59 cm
Isabeli Fontana hips: 86 cm
Trick or Treat?
Oii de novo! Eu vou adiantar meu post de Halloween pra hoje por que amanha eu vou passar o dia fora e não vou poder entrar na internet :/
Olha só que mara essa coleção do Samuel Cirnansck inspirada no Halloween:
A coleção conta com muito brilho, ombros e cintura marcados, micro vestidos, blusas longas e meia-calça. Nas estampas figuras tipicas de Halloween como aboboras, morcegos, bruxas, fantasmas e corujas. Predominam as cores laranja, vermelho, dourado e preto.
Na make os olhos e maças ficam bem marcados, com bastante blush e lapis de olho laranja. Os acessorios ficam por conta de maxijoias preciosas, com pedras brasileiras, e nos pes botas com formas modernas e peep toe.
O que acharam da coleção? Quem quiser saber mais do estilista, é so clicar AQUI!
Beijos pessoas ;*
Olha só que mara essa coleção do Samuel Cirnansck inspirada no Halloween:
A coleção conta com muito brilho, ombros e cintura marcados, micro vestidos, blusas longas e meia-calça. Nas estampas figuras tipicas de Halloween como aboboras, morcegos, bruxas, fantasmas e corujas. Predominam as cores laranja, vermelho, dourado e preto.
Na make os olhos e maças ficam bem marcados, com bastante blush e lapis de olho laranja. Os acessorios ficam por conta de maxijoias preciosas, com pedras brasileiras, e nos pes botas com formas modernas e peep toe.
O que acharam da coleção? Quem quiser saber mais do estilista, é so clicar AQUI!
Beijos pessoas ;*
grazi massafera,
Samuel cirnansck
Olha o selinho que eu ganhei da Lu:
Mas agora eu tenho que escolher 10 pessoas pra passar ele. Antes de tudo, quem não recebeu não fique chateado, da proxima vez eu mando pra voces! :)
E o selinho vai para....
- Ponto K
Agora quem eu escolhi pra ganhar esse selinho vai ter que passar pra mais dez pessoas!
Beijos, Otavia :)
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Mariah Carey está gravida!!
Hoje de manhã, a cantora (e diva) Mariah Carey confirmou sua gravidez! O boato de que ela estava gravida começou ainda em junho, quando começou a aparecer a barriguinha, diminuiu a quantia de shows, e bla bla.
Ela revelou para o programa Today que ainda está no inicio da gestação e que preferiu esconder enquanto pode, mas foi dificil.
Beijos amores da minha vida! *-*
Ela revelou para o programa Today que ainda está no inicio da gestação e que preferiu esconder enquanto pode, mas foi dificil.
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Mariah e seu marido, Nick Cannon |
Beijos amores da minha vida! *-*
Mariah carey,
nick cannon
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Primeira parceria do blog
Oi pessoas! Tudo bem? Eu to tãããão feliz hoje, acabei de abrir meu email e tinha uma mensagem da Poros com o banner e a confirmação de parceria aqui pro blog *-*
Eu ja respondi a mensagem com o meu endereço pra eles enviarem produtos pra testes e resenhas...
Preocupada em atender as demandas dos consumidores brasileiros, ávidos por produtos de alto padrão de qualidade a loja POROS apresenta os melhores recursos para o usuário efetuar suas compras com facilidade de navegação, conforto e segurança.
Para os homens e mulheres modernos, que buscam QUALIDADE, TECNOLOGIA e NOVIDADES a loja POROS disponibiliza milhares de artigos de maquiagem, de tratamento cosmético e dermocosmetico para a beleza do corpo, artigos para banho, bronzeador, loção hidratante, demaquilantes, para todos os tipos de pele oleosa, pele normal e pele seca, além de uma incrível coleção de cremes, batons, lápis, sombras, máscaras de cílios, corretivos, esmaltes, shampoos, condicionadores, tinturas, finalizadores, máscaras faciais, cremes antirrugas, cremes anticelulite, antiestrias, cremes anti-idade, restauradores, antifadiga, firmadores, revitalizantes, antimanchas, iluminadores, pó compacto, pó solto, spray capilar, talcos, pó bronzeador, dermocosméticos, loções e cremes para bebês e gestantes, além de uma grande variedade de kits, estojos e perfumes das melhores marcas internacionais.
Os produtos da loja POROS são todos originais, vindos da melhores marcas como La Roche Posay, Vichy, Innèov, Yves Saint Laurent, Clarins, Avene, Futura Bio-Tech, Codex, Mustela, BioLab, Neostrata, Elancyl, Neolatina, Theraskin, Stiefel, Bourjois, Guerlain, Lancôme, Biotherm, Giorgio Armani, Ralph Lauren, Cacharel, Christian Dior e Givenchy, dentre outras.
Todos os produtos são cuidadosamente embalados e protegidos antes de deixar o nosso Centro de Distribuição.
O compromisso da loja POROS é com a excelência na prestação de serviços e a agilidade na entrega dos produtos. A loja POROS oferece informações, dicas, atrativos, lançamentos e promoções visando sempre a sua satisfação.
Aah, e quem clicar no banner ali do lado direito, vai direto para a minha pagina especial na Poros, onde voce ganha descontos especiais em compras na loja online. Vale a pena visitar, a loja alem de barata tem produtos de altíssima qualidade!
Beijos, e aguardem as resenhas com produtos da Poros em breve :)
Eu ja respondi a mensagem com o meu endereço pra eles enviarem produtos pra testes e resenhas...
Quem Somos (segundo o site)
A POROS é a maior e mais completa Loja de cosméticos, especializada em produtos dermocosméticos para homens, bebês e gestantes, proteção solar, maquiagem, produtos de tratamento para o rosto, tratamento para o corpo, tratamento para o cabelo, incluindo as melhores tinturas e perfumes do Brasil.Preocupada em atender as demandas dos consumidores brasileiros, ávidos por produtos de alto padrão de qualidade a loja POROS apresenta os melhores recursos para o usuário efetuar suas compras com facilidade de navegação, conforto e segurança.
Para os homens e mulheres modernos, que buscam QUALIDADE, TECNOLOGIA e NOVIDADES a loja POROS disponibiliza milhares de artigos de maquiagem, de tratamento cosmético e dermocosmetico para a beleza do corpo, artigos para banho, bronzeador, loção hidratante, demaquilantes, para todos os tipos de pele oleosa, pele normal e pele seca, além de uma incrível coleção de cremes, batons, lápis, sombras, máscaras de cílios, corretivos, esmaltes, shampoos, condicionadores, tinturas, finalizadores, máscaras faciais, cremes antirrugas, cremes anticelulite, antiestrias, cremes anti-idade, restauradores, antifadiga, firmadores, revitalizantes, antimanchas, iluminadores, pó compacto, pó solto, spray capilar, talcos, pó bronzeador, dermocosméticos, loções e cremes para bebês e gestantes, além de uma grande variedade de kits, estojos e perfumes das melhores marcas internacionais.
Os produtos da loja POROS são todos originais, vindos da melhores marcas como La Roche Posay, Vichy, Innèov, Yves Saint Laurent, Clarins, Avene, Futura Bio-Tech, Codex, Mustela, BioLab, Neostrata, Elancyl, Neolatina, Theraskin, Stiefel, Bourjois, Guerlain, Lancôme, Biotherm, Giorgio Armani, Ralph Lauren, Cacharel, Christian Dior e Givenchy, dentre outras.
Todos os produtos são cuidadosamente embalados e protegidos antes de deixar o nosso Centro de Distribuição.
O compromisso da loja POROS é com a excelência na prestação de serviços e a agilidade na entrega dos produtos. A loja POROS oferece informações, dicas, atrativos, lançamentos e promoções visando sempre a sua satisfação.
Aah, e quem clicar no banner ali do lado direito, vai direto para a minha pagina especial na Poros, onde voce ganha descontos especiais em compras na loja online. Vale a pena visitar, a loja alem de barata tem produtos de altíssima qualidade!
Beijos, e aguardem as resenhas com produtos da Poros em breve :)
Monday, October 25, 2010
Valentino Garavani
Valentino Clemente Ludovico Garavani, o grande Valentino, nasceu no ano de 1932 em Voghera, norte da Itália. Fez seus primeiros estudos de moda francesa, na Academia de Artes de Milão, de onde seguiu para a Câmara Sindical de Costura Parisiense, ganhou seu primeiro premio de design em moda concedido pela Secretaria Internacional da Lã. Aos 18 anos teve seu primeiro emprego, com o couturier Jean Desses.
Beijos a todas, e desculpa pela demora pra postar, é que eu estou tentando uma parceria aqui pro blog, ai não da muito tempo pra postar aqui ;/
Valentino lançou sua primeira coleção em 1960. Ficou muito famoso por seu estilo clássico e, principalmente por suas festas magníficas, algumas duravam até três dias e contavam com a presença de mulheres ilustres como Elizabeth Taylor e Julia Roberts.
Em 1998, Valentino vendeu seu império por aproximadamente R$ 800 milhões. Em 2008 foi filmado um documentário chamado Valentino: O Ultimo Imperador, que mostrou a vida do estilista.
Alexander Wang 11 September 2010 New York

"Did you notice anything?" asked Alexander Wang at a preview earlier this week. He paused a beat. "There's no black!" That's right, New York's prince of downtown darkness is turning toward the light. "I was looking for something optimistic," he said, "something pure."
The show began with a series of all-white looks that felt—for anyone who recalled his witchy Wall Street Fall—as fresh as cannonballing into a pool in late August. He worked a construction motif into these deconstructed looks: Coverall straps crisscrossed on the backs of loose, smocklike dresses; there were stiff canvas carpenter's jackets and pants, and industrial materials like Tyvek and what looked like silver insulation. White paint was in the models' hair, and the slashes of rose gold here and there were meant to evoke duct tape.
Spring, Wang explained, was also a reaction to the ubiquity of a look that he had a hand in popularizing: If everyone does a skinny jean and motorcycle jacket, it isn't new anymore, is it? His success with that genre has been enviable. The construction theme was, indeed, a crossover from the building boom he's experiencing in real life—an expanding studio, a new Tribeca apartment, and his first store, on Grand Street. So the trick here was to turn the fashion page while still letting his dedicated Wang-ettes preserve their street cred. Yes, they'll love a scribble print created by having his staff doodle on butcher paper. But while the finale of ivory, mint, and terra-cotta had a certain beauty, it's not clear whether his proposal of midi hems and dresses that read Belgian instead of Boom Boom will be the right solution.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Stephane Rolland

PARIS, Jan 6, 2009 / FW/ — And now, they are up to 15! French designer Stéphane Rolland is now an official member of Haute Couture and thus has earned the right to use the haute couture designation for his apparel.
In an announcement released by the Chambre syndicale de la haute couture, France’s fashion governing body, the Commission de Classement Couture Création attributed this honor and status to Monsieur Rolland following a meeting on December 16, 2008.
Officially the newest member of Haute Couture, with his couture house newly launched just last June 2007; Stéphane Rolland is a well-known name among the very exclusive clientele of haute couture having helmed Jean-Louis Scherrer Haute couture for 10 years.
Spending his formative years in the South of France, Argentina and the West Indies, Stéphane Rolland’s love for fashion brought him to Paris where he studied at the Chambre Syndicale de la Couture Parisienne.
At the age of 20, his talent was recognized by Balenciaga, who hired him to work on the menswear collections and promoted him into Creative Director within a year. Using the experience he gained for the past four years, Rolland left Balenciaga when he was 24 to design his own prêt-a-porter collection. It was an immediate success with over 80 boutiques and department stores stocking it worldwide during its first year of operation.
Always striving for excellence and pushing the envelope for fashion, Stéphane Rolland became the Creative Director of Jean Louis Scherrer Haute Couture. At 30, he was the youngest French couturier on Avenue Montaigne.
Not resting on his laurels and always willing to try something new, Stéphane Rolland experimented with costume design between 2006 and 2007. His work did not go unnoticed. He was nominated for Moliere Awards and officially became a partner of the Cannes Film Festival.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Sutiã Milionario
A top model brasileirissima Adriana Lima, uma das Angels da grife de lingeries Victoria's Secret exibiu ontem, quarta feira dia 20, um sutiã milionario custando US$ 2 milhões. O sutiã tem 3 mil diamantes brancos, safiras azul-claro e topazios ovais, totalizando 142 quilates. Ele foi desenhado pela joalheria Damiani Jewellers.
Mas esse não é o primeiro 'sutiã fantasia' da grife, no ano passado o modelo Harlequin Fantasy custava US$ 3 milhões e 2.350 diamantes de varias cores, com 150 quilates.
Ai ai, quanto dinheiro! E voces, o que acharam desse luxo?
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Adriana Lima e o sutiã de diamantes |
Ai ai, quanto dinheiro! E voces, o que acharam desse luxo?
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Adam spring 2011 New York 11 September 2010

Before his show today, designer Adam Lippes confessed that he found the recent movie The City of Your Final Destination a bit of a snorer. Apparently, though, he stayed awake long enough to glean some quality inspiration, because he cited the film's images of Charlotte Gainsbourg pottering around a remote estate in Uruguay as the sole reference of the collection.
We'll quibble with that. The show itself would have been a bit of a snorer if all it had done was retread the look of rusticated aristocracy. Peasant blouses and city trousers and zzzzzz… No, what elevated Spring was the fact that Lippes' constant and cohesive inspiration is women—real ones, not movie ones. Real women with all kinds of bodies, who want to look pretty, and sexy, and a little edgy, and also elegant, and very now, but always like themselves, and not like fashion victims. Lippes seems pretty clearly to believe that his job is to help all those real women square the circles of their desires, and show them clothes that are pretty and sexy and edgy and elegant and very now, and that will never, ever make them look like fools.
Let's start with the trousers, high-waist flares tailored to a T and shown in navy, gray, peach, and tomato red, among other colors. The fabrics were unpretentious (twill and denim), but the effect was ridiculously chic, coupled with smart lace blouses and cropped hand-knit sweaters and tuxedo jackets. A pair in cement gray, with sailor-pant-inspired lacing up the back, is a must-have for Spring; they may even sound the death knell of stovepipes. With the sundresses and diaphanous long skirts, Lippes went so far over the horizon of pretty, he wound up back at edgy. (Pretty does feel subversive, after all the spiked platforms and leather leggings of the past few years.)
Standouts included a long skirt of pleated chiffon, printed subtly in gray on the top side of the pleat, and left plain cream underneath. The skirt had plenty of movement, given the play of hard pleats and soft chiffon; the print/plain contrast gave it unexpected dimension, too. Another highlight: spaghetti-strap sundresses in white eyelet and a toile-esque chiffon, with fishtail hems as an added surprise.
While all that sounds sweet enough to threaten diabetic shock, Lippes cut the treacle with rough linens; punctuating colors of rust, copper, and chambray blue; and dense hand-knits—coincidentally from Uruguay—that had a feeling of real earthiness. Less effectively, he tried to toughen up his collection with Celine-esque leathers and the embroidered sweatshirt jerseys his line has been known for. Both felt out of place. In general, however, this outing had the snap of good sense. That may be an odd thing to say about a brand that is overtly romantic, but it is probably the correct thing to say about a designer with an unerring sense of the relevant.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Alexander McQueen
Hoje é o dia em que eu falo de algum estilista, e eu pensei em homenagear o grande Alexander McQueen.
Lee McQueen nasceu em 17 de março de 1969 em Londres, filho de taxista, aos dezesseis anos ja estava decidido de que iria trabalhar com moda. Abandonou a escola e ocupou um lugar de aprendiz nos alfaiates de Savile Row. A sua variada aprendizagem deu-lhe a oportunidade de dominar muitas técnicas diferentes de confecção de roupa. McQueen tambem terminou um mestrado em design de moda na Central St. Martins College. Seus desfiles teatrais e o seu estilo trouxe-lhe muita atenção, mas a sua primeira colecção para a marca Givenchy foi considerada um fracasso.Com fama de "menino mal" e "bad boy da moda", Alexander McQueen morreu em 11 de fevereiro de 2010, com sinais de suicidio, pouco antes do enterro de sua mãe.
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Alexander McQueen |
Beeiijão :8 |
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Elle Macpherson
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Name : Elle Macpherson (born Eleanor Nancy Gow)
Born : March 29, 1964
Country : born in Killara, New South Wales, Australia
Lives : USA/Australia
Elle Macpherson is one of the most popular supermodels of 80's and 90's. She was born as Eleanor Nancy Gow on March 29, 1964 in Killara, New South Wales, Australia.
First, Elle studied law and had no intentions to become a model, but at the age of 18 during her holidays in Colorado a fashion agent discovered her. That was the turning point for young Elle Macpherson as she appeared on Elle and Sports Illustrated. These two magazines brought her an international fame and many opportunities in modeling business.
Elle Macpherson has achieved the world record by appearing on the Sports Illustrated cover four times. She has done shots for Playboy magazine as well.
Additional Elle's modeling success she started also an acting career and her filmography include Alice (1990), Sirens (1994), Jane Eyre (1996), Batman & Robin (1997) , South Kensington (2001) and a few of different TV series including popular American series "Friends".
Macpherson was married to Gilles Bensimon from 1985 to 1989.
Elle Macpherson has developed her own lingerie line called Elle Macpherson Intimates and also took a participation in the developing Fashion Cafe restaurant chain along with Naomi Campbell, Christy Turlington, and Claudia Schiffer.
Click Here for your Free Traffic!
Prada 23 September 2010 Milano

Only Miuccia Prada could attach a label like "minimal baroque" to a collection whose references ranged from hospital scrubs to seventeenth-century cherubs to Jazz Age superwoman Josephine Baker. Fishing around for an alternative to "fresh," she herself came up with "brave, bold, and obvious"—that last one a typical head-spinner. Maybe there was something obvious in the sheer uplift of the solid blocks of primary color; the jungle prints and striped sombreros; the straightforward summery-ness of a spaghetti-strapped, ruffle-hemmed dress striped in orange and pink. But there was also more than enough of Prada's twisty-ness to boost this collection into her already chock-full pantheon of greats. Those cherubs, for a start, plucked from a curlicued baroque interior and all mixed up with bananas and naive monkeys in an exuberantly cartoonish print that looked like something lifted from a poster for a Josephine Baker performance at the Folies Bergère in the twenties. (The models' finger-waved hair also echoed Baker's.) But there was nothing cartoonish about a supremely elegant white shift with a Baker-like silhouette sinuously snaking up and out of a forest of multicolored curlicues.
Prada delivered electric hits of orange, green, blue, and radioactive violet in deliberately plain cotton suits, like the most (extra)ordinary uniforms. That theme continued in all the stripes. Prisoner, postman, sailor, orderly: The uniforms might have taken a cue from her last—equally special—men's collection, but they were also an evolution of Fall's spectacularly womanly shapes. This time around, however, the glamour was raw, amplified by the pop-colored stoles the models were toting, the graphic silent-movie makeup by Pat McGrath, and the severely sensual outfits in basic black that closed the show as the soundtrack crackled with the static of an old tango record. Miuccia's message was crystal-clear. As she said backstage, banana earrings vibrating: "It's time to be bold." And that's one maxim that, with any luck, will rub off on the world at large.
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